My Funko Account
Report issue
If you find a problem on the site, please reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section and include the following information, so we can troubleshoot for you!
Full URL (web page link)
Browser version
Device type (desktop computer, tablet, etc.)
Description of the issue
Screenshots of the error
How do I create a Funko EU account?
Sign up for a free Funko account by visiting and clicking the account icon in the top left corner, then click "Create your account".
Enter your information to sign up for our Newsletter! You will be the first to hear about Funko’s latest news and product releases!
That's it. You're in!
How do I update my account information?
To update your account information, please reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section with your requested changes.
How do I reset my password?
If you are already logged in and simply want to change your profile password, please logout then select ‘Recover Password’ to generate a link to your email address in order to amend your password.
How do I delete my account?
While the option is not currently available within your account, our customer service team can assist with account deletion upon request. please reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section and indicate that you would like your Funko account deleted.
How do I view my order history?
Orders that are placed while logged into your Funko account will automatically show up in your Order History. You can view your order history within your account settings:Click on the My Orders link to view your orders
Your order history will show your order number, the date the order was placed, payment status, shipment status, and total.
What if my order is not showing up in my history?
When you make a purchase, your order will be tied to your account when you see your name and email address under Contact Information on the first step of the checkout process. Orders placed as a guest will not show in your order history.
How do I opt out of the eNewsletter?
We are sorry to see you go! But if you are sure the party's over, there are a few ways you can make your getaway or simply take a break from the action. The simplest way is to click on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of your email. If for any reason this does not work, please reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section
Delete Your Funko Profile
If you no longer make purchases from Funko Shop, do not want to track your collection in the Funko App, and need to delete your account, please reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section
Your account will be permanently deleted, so if you choose to come back, you will have to create a new profile and re-enter the products in your collection.
Funko Shop Help
Head over to the support centre where we have a number of helpful articles
Do I need an account to make a purchase?
You need an account to purchase on Funko Shop. Creating an account will help you keep track of your order history. You can purchase by being logged into your account.
My order won't go through. What should I do?
Please only click the "Place Order" button once to avoid multiple authorisations. Once your order has been accepted, you will see a confirmation message.
If you receive an error message or are not redirected to this screen, please reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section before trying again, to avoid multiple payment authorisations or duplicate orders.
I didn't get a confirmation email. Was my order successful?
Confirmation emails are sent to the email address entered on an order after an order is successfully placed. It can be common for confirmation emails to land in your spam/junk folder, so be sure to check there first. If you still do not see it, please reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section
The charge is showing in my bank account, but I don't have a confirmation email
There are two reasons for this: an authorisation hold or a typo in your email address at checkout.
When your order is successful, you will be routed to a screen that looks like this:

If you did not see this confirmation screen or have been unable to find your order confirmation email, please reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section
I got a confirmation screen, but I don't have a confirmation email
When your payment is successful, your order is immediately created. You will be directed to a confirmation screen that looks like this:

You may or may not see an order number, and your confirmation email may take a few minutes to a few hours to arrive. If this happens, please check your spam/junk folder first. This is the most common reason you have not received your email.
Still not seeing it? Chances are, there was a typo in your email address or you are checking the wrong inbox. Please be sure you are looking at the email account you entered for your order.
Still nothing? We can help, reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section with your order number or complete shipping address, along with the correctly spelled email address, so we can make the change. It is important that we have the right information on file, in case we need to get in touch about your order, and so you can receive your shipping notification.
Can I add an item to my order?
We are unable to add or remove items from an order once it has been submitted, but you are more than welcome to place a new order!
Can I remove an item from my order?
We are unable to add or remove items from an order once it has been submitted.
Can I update the email address on my order?
Yes. please reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section with the correct and complete email address you would like to use for the update along with any two of the following identifying items to authenticate your purchase:
email address used at checkout
complete shipping address
billing postal code
last 4 digits of the card used for purchase for credit card payment
Can I change the shipping address on my order?
The shipping address can only be updated prior to fulfilment of your order. Send your Funko Shop order number and complete updated address (including Postcode) please reach out to the Customer Support team via the support centre or the contact section as soon as possible. Once orders have begun fulfilment, we will be unable to make changes.
Why doesn't my discount code work?
Discount codes are only valid during the promotional period indicated and applied to the purchase total of eligible items before tax and shipping are calculated. Unique codes cannot be shared. Ineligible items may include Funko Shop exclusives during the first day of release and merchandise that is already on sale.