The joy of scouting and scanning the aisles for new releases lives on as REWIND collectibles begin to fill the shelves.

Peeling Back the Plastic Wrap on REWIND

Get ready for the iconic crinkle of opening these clam-shell packaged figures. These VHS-inspired collectibles are surefire favourites! They include a vinyl figure of a beloved character and a membership card with their info. If you're lucky, there's a 1 in 6 chance you may find the chase version! This could mean the character is wearing a different outfit, painted with an alternate colour scheme, or maybe isn't even the character at all and instead a different character. Perhaps instead of the hero you thought you'd find, it's actually the villain of the story captured inside.

Their packaging makes a great display item as well since the art wraps around the front, over the spine, and to the back.

Find some of your favourite characters as Funko REWIND collectibles on!

Browse the Shelves

Here's a look at some of the Funko REWIND collectibles currently available!

It's Your Turn To Pick!

Which REWIND will you choose next? Show us your favourites and how you display them by posting to social media and tagging @funko_europe along with #FunkoREWIND.