Explore the dark and thrilling world of Tokyo Ghoul with our anime and manga Funko Pop! Vinyl Collection. Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of ghouls and investigators with iconic characters such as Ken Kaneki, Kisho Arima, Haise Sasaki and Saiko Yonebayashi.
Unleash the supernatural allure of Tokyo Ghoul on your display shelves and bring the struggle between ghouls and humans into your home!
Explore the dark and thrilling world of Tokyo Ghoul with our anime and manga Funko Pop! Vinyl Collection. Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of ghouls and investigators with iconic characters such as Ken Kaneki, Kisho Arima, Haise Sasaki and Saiko Yonebayashi.
Unleash the supernatural allure of Tokyo Ghoul on your display shelves and bring the struggle between ghouls and humans into your home!